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                      2025-2026 Registration Opens April 1st!                         

A.L. Burruss Elementary School 

Address: 325 Manning Road Marietta, GA 30064

Program Number: 404-372-5452

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/pick up location for A.L. Burruss, utilize the exterior door of the cafeteria at the front of the school. This door is located to the right of the front entrance. 

Dunleith Elementary School 

Address: 120 Saine Drive Marietta, GA 30008

Program Number: 404-579-9604

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/pick up location for Dunleith, you will pick up your student from the exterior door of the gym. When you get to the exterior door please ring the doorbell. 

Emily Lembeck Early Learning Center 

Address: 377 Henry Drive Marietta, GA 30064

Program Number: 678-231-1719

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/ pick up location for the ELC. Please enter on Wright Street entrance. Please park, and enter Building B on the left hand side. Please ring the door bell and the staff will let you in.

Hickory Hills Elementary School 

Address: 500 Redwood Drive SW Marietta, GA 30064

Program Number: 404-579-9605

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/pick up location for Hickory Hills, utilize the exterior door of the cafeteria at the front of the school. This door is located to the left of the front entrance. 

Lockheed Elementary School 

Address: 1205 Merritt Road Marietta, GA 30062

Program Number: 404-723-6480

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/pick up location for Lockheed, utilize the right exterior door of the gym. This is located in the rear of the school. 

Marietta Center for Advanced Academics 

Address: 311 Aviation Road Marietta, GA 30060

Program Number: 404-723-7696

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/pick up location for MCAA, utilize the exterior door of the cafeteria  closest to the playground. 

Park Street Elementary School 

Address: 105 Park Street SE Marietta, GA 30060

Program Number: 470-328-4139

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the drop off/pick up location for Park Street, utilize the exterior door of the cafeteria. This is located in the rear of the school. 

Sawyer Road Elementary School 

Address: 840 Sawyer Road Marietta, GA 30062

Program Number: 404-729-0309

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the Before School drop off location for Sawyer Road, utilize the car rider loop to access the exterior door of the Media Center.  

ASP: To access the ASP pick-up location, please use the carpool loop to access the exterior door of the gym for pick-up.

West Side Elementary School 

Address: 344 Polk Street NW Marietta, GA 30064

Program Number: 404-729-1178

ASP/BSP Drop Off/Pick Up: To access the Before School drop off location for West Side, utilize the Maple Ave carpool loop to access the gym.                                    ASP: To access the ASP pick-up location, please use the carpool loop to access the exterior door of the cafeteria for pick up. 

Marietta Sixth Grade Academy

Address: 340 Aviation Road SE Marietta, GA 30060

Program Number:

BSP Drop Off: To access the drop off location for MSGA, follow the bus loop to the back of the school, utilize the exterior door of the cafeteria for the program.